The following plugin provides functionality available through Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline in the Steps section of the Pipeline Syntax page.

For a list of other such plugins, see the Pipeline Steps Reference page.

UiPath Plugin

UiPathAssets: UiPath Manage Assets

  • assetsAction
      Nested Choice of Objects
    • AutoVersion
      • CurrentVersion
        • DeleteAssets
          • DeployAssets
            • Dynamically
              • jobsCount : int
              • user : String
                The name of the user. This feature is available only on modern folders. This should be a machine user, not an orchestrator user. For local users, the format should be MachineName\\UserName".
              • machine : String
                The name of the machine. This feature is available only on modern folders.
            • ExternalApp
              • accountForApp : String
                Specify the Cloud Orchestrator account name.
              • applicationId : String
                Specify the confidential external application id. Learn more about how to add an external application by following the steps outlined here.
              • applicationSecret : String
                Specify the confidential external application secret.
              • applicationScope : String
                Specify the confidential external application scope(s). It is mandatory to use only Application Scope(s).
              • identityUrl : String
            • CustomVersion
              • version : String
            • NonProduction
              • Robot
                • robotsIds : String
              • Test
                • TestProject
                  • testProjectPath : String
                    Specify the location of a test project to be deployed in Orchestrator and executed as part of a transient test set.
                  • environments : String
                    Specify the environment onto which the package will be deployed as a process. For the project and environment with existing processes, the processes will be updated to use the latest project version. Required when using a classic folder, otherwise not applicable.
                • TestSet
                  • testSet : String
                    Specify the test set name of a pre-existing test set on the Orchestrator which will be executed. If the test set does not belong to the default folder (organization unit) it must be prefixed with the folder name, e.g. AccountingTeam\\TestSet
                • Token
                  • credentialsId : String
                    Specify the refresh token using which to authenticate to the Cloud Orchestrator instance. Learn more about how to generate this token by following the steps outlined here.
                  • accountName : String
                    Specify the Cloud Orchestrator account name.
                • Unattended
                  • UserPass
                    • credentialsId : String
                • orchestratorAddress : String
                  Specify the address of the Orchestrator instance onto which the assets will be deployed or updated.
                • orchestratorTenant : String
                  Specify the Orchestrator tenant onto which the assets will be deployed or updated.
                • folderName : String
                  Specify the folder where assets will deploy or update.
                • credentials
                    Nested Choice of Objects
                  • AutoVersion
                    • CurrentVersion
                      • DeleteAssets
                        • DeployAssets
                          • Dynamically
                            • jobsCount : int
                            • user : String
                              The name of the user. This feature is available only on modern folders. This should be a machine user, not an orchestrator user. For local users, the format should be MachineName\\UserName".
                            • machine : String
                              The name of the machine. This feature is available only on modern folders.
                          • ExternalApp
                            • accountForApp : String
                              Specify the Cloud Orchestrator account name.
                            • applicationId : String
                              Specify the confidential external application id. Learn more about how to add an external application by following the steps outlined here.
                            • applicationSecret : String
                              Specify the confidential external application secret.
                            • applicationScope : String
                              Specify the confidential external application scope(s). It is mandatory to use only Application Scope(s).
                            • identityUrl : String
                          • CustomVersion
                            • version : String
                          • NonProduction
                            • Robot
                              • robotsIds : String
                            • Test
                              • TestProject
                                • testProjectPath : String
                                  Specify the location of a test project to be deployed in Orchestrator and executed as part of a transient test set.
                                • environments : String
                                  Specify the environment onto which the package will be deployed as a process. For the project and environment with existing processes, the processes will be updated to use the latest project version. Required when using a classic folder, otherwise not applicable.
                              • TestSet
                                • testSet : String
                                  Specify the test set name of a pre-existing test set on the Orchestrator which will be executed. If the test set does not belong to the default folder (organization unit) it must be prefixed with the folder name, e.g. AccountingTeam\\TestSet
                              • Token
                                • credentialsId : String
                                  Specify the refresh token using which to authenticate to the Cloud Orchestrator instance. Learn more about how to generate this token by following the steps outlined here.
                                • accountName : String
                                  Specify the Cloud Orchestrator account name.
                              • Unattended
                                • UserPass
                                  • credentialsId : String
                              • filePath : String
                                Specify the path for the csv files used to describe the assets that will be deployed or updated. Please use the following file format:
                                 asset_1_name,text,asset_value   # we can have comments
                                For the update, the type column isn't used, so it can be empty but still present.
                              • traceLevel
                                The trace logging level. One of the following values: None, Critical, Error, Warning, Information, Verbose. (default None)
                                • Values: None, Critical, Error, Warning, Information, Verbose

                              UiPathDeploy: UiPath Deploy

                              • packagePath : String
                                Specify the location of the package(s) to be deployed in Orchestrator. The paths are local to the workspace of the build.
                              • orchestratorAddress : String
                                Specify the address of the Orchestrator instance onto which the package(s) will be deployed.
                              • orchestratorTenant : String
                                Specify the Orchestrator tenant onto which the package(s) will be deployed.
                              • folderName : String
                                Specify the folder to deploy to. If the folder is a classic folder, you will also need to set the environments field. For modern folders, setting the environments is not required.
                              • environments : String
                                Specify the environment onto which the package will be deployed as a process. For the project and environment with existing processes, the processes will be updated to use the latest project version. Required when using a classic folder, otherwise not applicable.
                              • credentials
                                  Nested Choice of Objects
                                • AutoVersion
                                  • CurrentVersion
                                    • DeleteAssets
                                      • DeployAssets
                                        • Dynamically
                                          • jobsCount : int
                                          • user : String
                                            The name of the user. This feature is available only on modern folders. This should be a machine user, not an orchestrator user. For local users, the format should be MachineName\\UserName".
                                          • machine : String
                                            The name of the machine. This feature is available only on modern folders.
                                        • ExternalApp
                                          • accountForApp : String
                                            Specify the Cloud Orchestrator account name.
                                          • applicationId : String
                                            Specify the confidential external application id. Learn more about how to add an external application by following the steps outlined here.
                                          • applicationSecret : String
                                            Specify the confidential external application secret.
                                          • applicationScope : String
                                            Specify the confidential external application scope(s). It is mandatory to use only Application Scope(s).
                                          • identityUrl : String
                                        • CustomVersion
                                          • version : String
                                        • NonProduction
                                          • Robot
                                            • robotsIds : String
                                          • Test
                                            • TestProject
                                              • testProjectPath : String
                                                Specify the location of a test project to be deployed in Orchestrator and executed as part of a transient test set.
                                              • environments : String
                                                Specify the environment onto which the package will be deployed as a process. For the project and environment with existing processes, the processes will be updated to use the latest project version. Required when using a classic folder, otherwise not applicable.
                                            • TestSet
                                              • testSet : String
                                                Specify the test set name of a pre-existing test set on the Orchestrator which will be executed. If the test set does not belong to the default folder (organization unit) it must be prefixed with the folder name, e.g. AccountingTeam\\TestSet
                                            • Token
                                              • credentialsId : String
                                                Specify the refresh token using which to authenticate to the Cloud Orchestrator instance. Learn more about how to generate this token by following the steps outlined here.
                                              • accountName : String
                                                Specify the Cloud Orchestrator account name.
                                            • Unattended
                                              • UserPass
                                                • credentialsId : String
                                            • traceLevel
                                              The trace logging level. One of the following values: None, Critical, Error, Warning, Information, Verbose. (default None)
                                              • Values: None, Critical, Error, Warning, Information, Verbose
                                            • entryPointPaths : String
                                              Define the specific entry points to create or update a process. This is the filePath of the entry point starting from the root of the project.
                                               e.g. "Folder1/Main.xaml, Folder1/Folder2/AdditionalEntrypoint.xaml" (without quotes) 
                                              For classic folders only one entry point can be specified, for each environment a process will be created or updated with the specified entry point. Works only for Orchestrator ≥ 21.4.
                                            • createProcess : boolean
                                              When selected, a process will be created in the specified folder respective to entry point path(s) input. (default true)

                                            UiPathPack: UiPath Pack

                                            • version
                                                Nested Choice of Objects
                                              • AutoVersion
                                                • CurrentVersion
                                                  • DeleteAssets
                                                    • DeployAssets
                                                      • Dynamically
                                                        • jobsCount : int
                                                        • user : String
                                                          The name of the user. This feature is available only on modern folders. This should be a machine user, not an orchestrator user. For local users, the format should be MachineName\\UserName".
                                                        • machine : String
                                                          The name of the machine. This feature is available only on modern folders.
                                                      • ExternalApp
                                                        • accountForApp : String
                                                          Specify the Cloud Orchestrator account name.
                                                        • applicationId : String
                                                          Specify the confidential external application id. Learn more about how to add an external application by following the steps outlined here.
                                                        • applicationSecret : String
                                                          Specify the confidential external application secret.
                                                        • applicationScope : String
                                                          Specify the confidential external application scope(s). It is mandatory to use only Application Scope(s).
                                                        • identityUrl : String
                                                      • CustomVersion
                                                        • version : String
                                                      • NonProduction
                                                        • Robot
                                                          • robotsIds : String
                                                        • Test
                                                          • TestProject
                                                            • testProjectPath : String
                                                              Specify the location of a test project to be deployed in Orchestrator and executed as part of a transient test set.
                                                            • environments : String
                                                              Specify the environment onto which the package will be deployed as a process. For the project and environment with existing processes, the processes will be updated to use the latest project version. Required when using a classic folder, otherwise not applicable.
                                                          • TestSet
                                                            • testSet : String
                                                              Specify the test set name of a pre-existing test set on the Orchestrator which will be executed. If the test set does not belong to the default folder (organization unit) it must be prefixed with the folder name, e.g. AccountingTeam\\TestSet
                                                          • Token
                                                            • credentialsId : String
                                                              Specify the refresh token using which to authenticate to the Cloud Orchestrator instance. Learn more about how to generate this token by following the steps outlined here.
                                                            • accountName : String
                                                              Specify the Cloud Orchestrator account name.
                                                          • Unattended
                                                            • UserPass
                                                              • credentialsId : String
                                                          • projectJsonPath : String
                                                            The location of the project(s) to be packaged. It can be a direct path to a project.json file or a directory with one or multiple projects. In the latter case, each level one project is packaged individually
                                                          • outputPath : String
                                                            Specify the location where you want to output the NuGet package(s). The paths are local to the workspace of the build.
                                                          • traceLevel
                                                            The trace logging level. One of the following values: None, Critical, Error, Warning, Information, Verbose. (default None)
                                                            • Values: None, Critical, Error, Warning, Information, Verbose
                                                          • credentials (optional)
                                                              Nested Choice of Objects
                                                            • AutoVersion
                                                              • CurrentVersion
                                                                • DeleteAssets
                                                                  • DeployAssets
                                                                    • Dynamically
                                                                      • jobsCount : int
                                                                      • user : String
                                                                        The name of the user. This feature is available only on modern folders. This should be a machine user, not an orchestrator user. For local users, the format should be MachineName\\UserName".
                                                                      • machine : String
                                                                        The name of the machine. This feature is available only on modern folders.
                                                                    • ExternalApp
                                                                      • accountForApp : String
                                                                        Specify the Cloud Orchestrator account name.
                                                                      • applicationId : String
                                                                        Specify the confidential external application id. Learn more about how to add an external application by following the steps outlined here.
                                                                      • applicationSecret : String
                                                                        Specify the confidential external application secret.
                                                                      • applicationScope : String
                                                                        Specify the confidential external application scope(s). It is mandatory to use only Application Scope(s).
                                                                      • identityUrl : String
                                                                    • CustomVersion
                                                                      • version : String
                                                                    • NonProduction
                                                                      • Robot
                                                                        • robotsIds : String
                                                                      • Test
                                                                        • TestProject
                                                                          • testProjectPath : String
                                                                            Specify the location of a test project to be deployed in Orchestrator and executed as part of a transient test set.
                                                                          • environments : String
                                                                            Specify the environment onto which the package will be deployed as a process. For the project and environment with existing processes, the processes will be updated to use the latest project version. Required when using a classic folder, otherwise not applicable.
                                                                        • TestSet
                                                                          • testSet : String
                                                                            Specify the test set name of a pre-existing test set on the Orchestrator which will be executed. If the test set does not belong to the default folder (organization unit) it must be prefixed with the folder name, e.g. AccountingTeam\\TestSet
                                                                        • Token
                                                                          • credentialsId : String
                                                                            Specify the refresh token using which to authenticate to the Cloud Orchestrator instance. Learn more about how to generate this token by following the steps outlined here.
                                                                          • accountName : String
                                                                            Specify the Cloud Orchestrator account name.
                                                                        • Unattended
                                                                          • UserPass
                                                                            • credentialsId : String
                                                                        • orchestratorAddress : String (optional)
                                                                          Specify the address of the Orchestrator instance from which library dependencies should be restored.
                                                                        • orchestratorTenant : String (optional)
                                                                          Specify the tenant of the Orchestrator instance from which library dependencies should be restored.
                                                                        • outputType : String (optional)
                                                                          Force the output to a specific type.
                                                                        • runWorkflowAnalysis : boolean (optional)
                                                                          Run the workflow analysis before packing and fail in case of errors. (default false)
                                                                        • useOrchestrator : boolean (optional)

                                                                        UiPathRunJob: UiPath Run Job

                                                                        • jobType
                                                                            Nested Choice of Objects
                                                                          • AutoVersion
                                                                            • CurrentVersion
                                                                              • DeleteAssets
                                                                                • DeployAssets
                                                                                  • Dynamically
                                                                                    • jobsCount : int
                                                                                    • user : String
                                                                                      The name of the user. This feature is available only on modern folders. This should be a machine user, not an orchestrator user. For local users, the format should be MachineName\\UserName".
                                                                                    • machine : String
                                                                                      The name of the machine. This feature is available only on modern folders.
                                                                                  • ExternalApp
                                                                                    • accountForApp : String
                                                                                      Specify the Cloud Orchestrator account name.
                                                                                    • applicationId : String
                                                                                      Specify the confidential external application id. Learn more about how to add an external application by following the steps outlined here.
                                                                                    • applicationSecret : String
                                                                                      Specify the confidential external application secret.
                                                                                    • applicationScope : String
                                                                                      Specify the confidential external application scope(s). It is mandatory to use only Application Scope(s).
                                                                                    • identityUrl : String
                                                                                  • CustomVersion
                                                                                    • version : String
                                                                                  • NonProduction
                                                                                    • Robot
                                                                                      • robotsIds : String
                                                                                    • Test
                                                                                      • TestProject
                                                                                        • testProjectPath : String
                                                                                          Specify the location of a test project to be deployed in Orchestrator and executed as part of a transient test set.
                                                                                        • environments : String
                                                                                          Specify the environment onto which the package will be deployed as a process. For the project and environment with existing processes, the processes will be updated to use the latest project version. Required when using a classic folder, otherwise not applicable.
                                                                                      • TestSet
                                                                                        • testSet : String
                                                                                          Specify the test set name of a pre-existing test set on the Orchestrator which will be executed. If the test set does not belong to the default folder (organization unit) it must be prefixed with the folder name, e.g. AccountingTeam\\TestSet
                                                                                      • Token
                                                                                        • credentialsId : String
                                                                                          Specify the refresh token using which to authenticate to the Cloud Orchestrator instance. Learn more about how to generate this token by following the steps outlined here.
                                                                                        • accountName : String
                                                                                          Specify the Cloud Orchestrator account name.
                                                                                      • Unattended
                                                                                        • UserPass
                                                                                          • credentialsId : String
                                                                                      • orchestratorAddress : String
                                                                                        Specify the address of the Orchestrator instance onto which the job(s) will be ran.
                                                                                      • orchestratorTenant : String
                                                                                        Specify the Orchestrator tenant onto which the job(s) will be ran.
                                                                                      • folderName : String
                                                                                        Specify the folder to run to. If the folder is a modern folder, you can also target a specific user and/or a specific machine.
                                                                                      • credentials
                                                                                          Nested Choice of Objects
                                                                                        • AutoVersion
                                                                                          • CurrentVersion
                                                                                            • DeleteAssets
                                                                                              • DeployAssets
                                                                                                • Dynamically
                                                                                                  • jobsCount : int
                                                                                                  • user : String
                                                                                                    The name of the user. This feature is available only on modern folders. This should be a machine user, not an orchestrator user. For local users, the format should be MachineName\\UserName".
                                                                                                  • machine : String
                                                                                                    The name of the machine. This feature is available only on modern folders.
                                                                                                • ExternalApp
                                                                                                  • accountForApp : String
                                                                                                    Specify the Cloud Orchestrator account name.
                                                                                                  • applicationId : String
                                                                                                    Specify the confidential external application id. Learn more about how to add an external application by following the steps outlined here.
                                                                                                  • applicationSecret : String
                                                                                                    Specify the confidential external application secret.
                                                                                                  • applicationScope : String
                                                                                                    Specify the confidential external application scope(s). It is mandatory to use only Application Scope(s).
                                                                                                  • identityUrl : String
                                                                                                • CustomVersion
                                                                                                  • version : String
                                                                                                • NonProduction
                                                                                                  • Robot
                                                                                                    • robotsIds : String
                                                                                                  • Test
                                                                                                    • TestProject
                                                                                                      • testProjectPath : String
                                                                                                        Specify the location of a test project to be deployed in Orchestrator and executed as part of a transient test set.
                                                                                                      • environments : String
                                                                                                        Specify the environment onto which the package will be deployed as a process. For the project and environment with existing processes, the processes will be updated to use the latest project version. Required when using a classic folder, otherwise not applicable.
                                                                                                    • TestSet
                                                                                                      • testSet : String
                                                                                                        Specify the test set name of a pre-existing test set on the Orchestrator which will be executed. If the test set does not belong to the default folder (organization unit) it must be prefixed with the folder name, e.g. AccountingTeam\\TestSet
                                                                                                    • Token
                                                                                                      • credentialsId : String
                                                                                                        Specify the refresh token using which to authenticate to the Cloud Orchestrator instance. Learn more about how to generate this token by following the steps outlined here.
                                                                                                      • accountName : String
                                                                                                        Specify the Cloud Orchestrator account name.
                                                                                                    • Unattended
                                                                                                      • UserPass
                                                                                                        • credentialsId : String
                                                                                                    • processName : String (optional)
                                                                                                      Process name.
                                                                                                    • parametersFilePath : String (optional)
                                                                                                      The full path to a json input file.
                                                                                                    • priority (optional)
                                                                                                      • Values: Low, Normal, High
                                                                                                    • strategy (optional)
                                                                                                        Nested Choice of Objects
                                                                                                      • AutoVersion
                                                                                                        • CurrentVersion
                                                                                                          • DeleteAssets
                                                                                                            • DeployAssets
                                                                                                              • Dynamically
                                                                                                                • jobsCount : int
                                                                                                                • user : String
                                                                                                                  The name of the user. This feature is available only on modern folders. This should be a machine user, not an orchestrator user. For local users, the format should be MachineName\\UserName".
                                                                                                                • machine : String
                                                                                                                  The name of the machine. This feature is available only on modern folders.
                                                                                                              • ExternalApp
                                                                                                                • accountForApp : String
                                                                                                                  Specify the Cloud Orchestrator account name.
                                                                                                                • applicationId : String
                                                                                                                  Specify the confidential external application id. Learn more about how to add an external application by following the steps outlined here.
                                                                                                                • applicationSecret : String
                                                                                                                  Specify the confidential external application secret.
                                                                                                                • applicationScope : String
                                                                                                                  Specify the confidential external application scope(s). It is mandatory to use only Application Scope(s).
                                                                                                                • identityUrl : String
                                                                                                              • CustomVersion
                                                                                                                • version : String
                                                                                                              • NonProduction
                                                                                                                • Robot
                                                                                                                  • robotsIds : String
                                                                                                                • Test
                                                                                                                  • TestProject
                                                                                                                    • testProjectPath : String
                                                                                                                      Specify the location of a test project to be deployed in Orchestrator and executed as part of a transient test set.
                                                                                                                    • environments : String
                                                                                                                      Specify the environment onto which the package will be deployed as a process. For the project and environment with existing processes, the processes will be updated to use the latest project version. Required when using a classic folder, otherwise not applicable.
                                                                                                                  • TestSet
                                                                                                                    • testSet : String
                                                                                                                      Specify the test set name of a pre-existing test set on the Orchestrator which will be executed. If the test set does not belong to the default folder (organization unit) it must be prefixed with the folder name, e.g. AccountingTeam\\TestSet
                                                                                                                  • Token
                                                                                                                    • credentialsId : String
                                                                                                                      Specify the refresh token using which to authenticate to the Cloud Orchestrator instance. Learn more about how to generate this token by following the steps outlined here.
                                                                                                                    • accountName : String
                                                                                                                      Specify the Cloud Orchestrator account name.
                                                                                                                  • Unattended
                                                                                                                    • UserPass
                                                                                                                      • credentialsId : String
                                                                                                                  • resultFilePath : String (optional)
                                                                                                                    The full path to a json file or a folder where the result json file will be created.
                                                                                                                  • timeout : int (optional)
                                                                                                                    The timeout for job(s) runs in seconds. (default 1800)
                                                                                                                  • failWhenJobFails : boolean (optional)
                                                                                                                    The command fails when at least one job fails. (default true)
                                                                                                                  • waitForJobCompletion : boolean (optional)
                                                                                                                    Wait for job runs completion. (default true)
                                                                                                                  • traceLevel (optional)
                                                                                                                    The trace logging level. One of the following values: None, Critical, Error, Warning, Information, Verbose. (default None)
                                                                                                                    • Values: None, Critical, Error, Warning, Information, Verbose

                                                                                                                  UiPathTest: UiPath Run tests

                                                                                                                  • orchestratorAddress : String
                                                                                                                    Specify the address of the Orchestrator instance onto which the package(s) will be deployed.
                                                                                                                  • orchestratorTenant : String
                                                                                                                    Specify the Orchestrator tenant onto which the package(s) will be deployed.
                                                                                                                  • folderName : String
                                                                                                                    Specify the folder to deploy to. If the folder is a classic folder and you would like to execute a transient test set, you will also need to set the environment. For modern folders, the environment is not required.
                                                                                                                  • testTarget
                                                                                                                    Specify the test execution target, a pre-existing test set on the Orchestrator or the tests in a package at a given path, which will be executed as part of a transient test set.
                                                                                                                      Nested Choice of Objects
                                                                                                                    • AutoVersion
                                                                                                                      • CurrentVersion
                                                                                                                        • DeleteAssets
                                                                                                                          • DeployAssets
                                                                                                                            • Dynamically
                                                                                                                              • jobsCount : int
                                                                                                                              • user : String
                                                                                                                                The name of the user. This feature is available only on modern folders. This should be a machine user, not an orchestrator user. For local users, the format should be MachineName\\UserName".
                                                                                                                              • machine : String
                                                                                                                                The name of the machine. This feature is available only on modern folders.
                                                                                                                            • ExternalApp
                                                                                                                              • accountForApp : String
                                                                                                                                Specify the Cloud Orchestrator account name.
                                                                                                                              • applicationId : String
                                                                                                                                Specify the confidential external application id. Learn more about how to add an external application by following the steps outlined here.
                                                                                                                              • applicationSecret : String
                                                                                                                                Specify the confidential external application secret.
                                                                                                                              • applicationScope : String
                                                                                                                                Specify the confidential external application scope(s). It is mandatory to use only Application Scope(s).
                                                                                                                              • identityUrl : String
                                                                                                                            • CustomVersion
                                                                                                                              • version : String
                                                                                                                            • NonProduction
                                                                                                                              • Robot
                                                                                                                                • robotsIds : String
                                                                                                                              • Test
                                                                                                                                • TestProject
                                                                                                                                  • testProjectPath : String
                                                                                                                                    Specify the location of a test project to be deployed in Orchestrator and executed as part of a transient test set.
                                                                                                                                  • environments : String
                                                                                                                                    Specify the environment onto which the package will be deployed as a process. For the project and environment with existing processes, the processes will be updated to use the latest project version. Required when using a classic folder, otherwise not applicable.
                                                                                                                                • TestSet
                                                                                                                                  • testSet : String
                                                                                                                                    Specify the test set name of a pre-existing test set on the Orchestrator which will be executed. If the test set does not belong to the default folder (organization unit) it must be prefixed with the folder name, e.g. AccountingTeam\\TestSet
                                                                                                                                • Token
                                                                                                                                  • credentialsId : String
                                                                                                                                    Specify the refresh token using which to authenticate to the Cloud Orchestrator instance. Learn more about how to generate this token by following the steps outlined here.
                                                                                                                                  • accountName : String
                                                                                                                                    Specify the Cloud Orchestrator account name.
                                                                                                                                • Unattended
                                                                                                                                  • UserPass
                                                                                                                                    • credentialsId : String
                                                                                                                                • credentials
                                                                                                                                    Nested Choice of Objects
                                                                                                                                  • AutoVersion
                                                                                                                                    • CurrentVersion
                                                                                                                                      • DeleteAssets
                                                                                                                                        • DeployAssets
                                                                                                                                          • Dynamically
                                                                                                                                            • jobsCount : int
                                                                                                                                            • user : String
                                                                                                                                              The name of the user. This feature is available only on modern folders. This should be a machine user, not an orchestrator user. For local users, the format should be MachineName\\UserName".
                                                                                                                                            • machine : String
                                                                                                                                              The name of the machine. This feature is available only on modern folders.
                                                                                                                                          • ExternalApp
                                                                                                                                            • accountForApp : String
                                                                                                                                              Specify the Cloud Orchestrator account name.
                                                                                                                                            • applicationId : String
                                                                                                                                              Specify the confidential external application id. Learn more about how to add an external application by following the steps outlined here.
                                                                                                                                            • applicationSecret : String
                                                                                                                                              Specify the confidential external application secret.
                                                                                                                                            • applicationScope : String
                                                                                                                                              Specify the confidential external application scope(s). It is mandatory to use only Application Scope(s).
                                                                                                                                            • identityUrl : String
                                                                                                                                          • CustomVersion
                                                                                                                                            • version : String
                                                                                                                                          • NonProduction
                                                                                                                                            • Robot
                                                                                                                                              • robotsIds : String
                                                                                                                                            • Test
                                                                                                                                              • TestProject
                                                                                                                                                • testProjectPath : String
                                                                                                                                                  Specify the location of a test project to be deployed in Orchestrator and executed as part of a transient test set.
                                                                                                                                                • environments : String
                                                                                                                                                  Specify the environment onto which the package will be deployed as a process. For the project and environment with existing processes, the processes will be updated to use the latest project version. Required when using a classic folder, otherwise not applicable.
                                                                                                                                              • TestSet
                                                                                                                                                • testSet : String
                                                                                                                                                  Specify the test set name of a pre-existing test set on the Orchestrator which will be executed. If the test set does not belong to the default folder (organization unit) it must be prefixed with the folder name, e.g. AccountingTeam\\TestSet
                                                                                                                                              • Token
                                                                                                                                                • credentialsId : String
                                                                                                                                                  Specify the refresh token using which to authenticate to the Cloud Orchestrator instance. Learn more about how to generate this token by following the steps outlined here.
                                                                                                                                                • accountName : String
                                                                                                                                                  Specify the Cloud Orchestrator account name.
                                                                                                                                              • Unattended
                                                                                                                                                • UserPass
                                                                                                                                                  • credentialsId : String
                                                                                                                                              • testResultsOutputPath : String
                                                                                                                                                Specify the output path of the test results, e.g. Output\testResults.xml. The results are output in JUnit format. If not specified, the results are output to the workspace as UiPathResults.xml.
                                                                                                                                              • timeout : int
                                                                                                                                                Specify the timeout of a test project to be deployed in Orchestrator and executed as part of a transient test set. The default value is 7200 seconds.
                                                                                                                                              • traceLevel
                                                                                                                                                The trace logging level. One of the following values: None, Critical, Error, Warning, Information, Verbose. (default None)
                                                                                                                                                • Values: None, Critical, Error, Warning, Information, Verbose
                                                                                                                                              • parametersFilePath : String
                                                                                                                                                Specify the location of a input parameters json file to override input arguments for a transient test set.
                                                                                                                                              • attachRobotLogs : boolean (optional)

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