The following plugin provides functionality available through Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline in the Steps section of the Pipeline Syntax page.

For a list of other such plugins, see the Pipeline Steps Reference page.

Docker plugin

step([$class: 'DockerBuilderControl']): Start/Stop Docker Containers

  • option
      Nested Choice of Objects
    • $class: 'DockerBuilderControlOptionProvisionAndStart'
      • cloudName : String
      • templateId : String
    • $class: 'DockerBuilderControlOptionRun'
      • cloudName : String
      • image : String
      • pullCredentialsId : String
      • dnsString : String
      • network : String
      • dockerCommand : String
      • mountsString : String
      • volumesFrom : String
      • environmentsString : String
      • hostname : String
      • user : String
      • extraGroupsString : String
      • memoryLimit : int
      • memorySwap : int
      • cpus : String
      • cpuPeriod : long
      • cpuQuota : long
      • cpuShares : int
      • shmSize : int
      • bindPorts : String
      • bindAllPorts : boolean
      • privileged : boolean
      • tty : boolean
      • macAddress : String
    • $class: 'DockerBuilderControlOptionStart'
      • cloudName : String
      • containerId : String
    • $class: 'DockerBuilderControlOptionStop'
      • cloudName : String
      • containerId : String
      • remove : boolean
    • $class: 'DockerBuilderControlOptionStopAll'
      • remove : boolean

step([$class: 'DockerBuilderPublisher']): Build / Publish Docker Image

Build step that sends a Dockerfile for building to docker host that used for this build run.
  • dockerFileDirectory : String
  • fromRegistry
      Nested Object
    • url : String
      URL to the Docker registry you are using. May be left blank to use the public DockerHub registry (currently
    • credentialsId : String
  • cloud : String
    Cloud to do the build on - or, if empty, use the cloud that the build was performed on.
  • tagsString : String
    Repository name (and optionally a tag) to be applied to the resulting image in case of success.
    Multiple entries are permitted if separated by newlines.
    Environment variable substitution is performed on the strings so you can use e.g. ${BUILD_NUMBER} as part of each entry.
    Each entry must be of the form IMAGE[:TAG] as per the docker tag command.
  • pushOnSuccess : boolean
    If enabled (and the docker image builds successfully), the resulting docker image will be pushed to the registry (or registries) specified within the "Image" field.
  • pushCredentialsId : String
    Credentials to push to a private registry.
  • cleanImages : boolean
  • cleanupWithJenkinsJobDelete : boolean
  • buildArgs (optional)

    A map of build-time variables.

    • Type: java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
  • buildArgsString : String (optional)

    A list of new line separated build-time variables, specified in the form "name=value".

  • noCache : boolean (optional)
    If set, builds the image with --no-cache which disables caching of layers. See the docker build command for more information.
  • pull : boolean (optional)
    If set, builds the image with --pull to pull the latest version of the base image, instead of using the local one. See the docker build command for more information.

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