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Call for User Stories - Jenkins is the Way

Alyssa Tong
Alyssa Tong
Mark Waite
Mark Waite
April 30, 2020

Jenkins Is The Way

One of the things we loved about going to developer conferences was meeting Jenkins users — newbies and old-timers alike — who are excited to talk about their projects and share tips on how to move forward using Jenkins. Since the coronavirus pandemic, we’re learning to rely more on new ways to gather, and it’s happening via Jenkins online meetups, GitHub collaborations, and Twitter threads, to name a few.

It’s a significant change. But what hasn’t changed is the need to share stories about the things users have built, the solutions they’ve developed, and the excellent results they’re getting from some really innovative Jenkins implementations. Then we wondered, why isn’t anyone collecting these user stories and sharing them with the Jenkins community.

Introducing Jenkins is the Way

So we took the first step to record and archive all the great stuff everyone in our community is building with Jenkins. This way, Jenkins users old and new can come to an archive and search for Jenkins solutions for inspiration. We foresee a vast library of solutions from all around the world, solving a wide array of challenges in every industry imaginable. We decided to call this archive "Jenkins Is The Way" and host it at .

To aggregate all these stories, we built a simple online questionnaire so that Jenkins users can submit their own experience using this leading open source automation server. With so many plugins to support building, deploying, and automating your projects, we expect to see a vast collection of stories.

We’ve already received a handful, including stories that illustrate how Jenkins Is The Way:

Add your story. Show your Jenkins pride. Get our T-shirt

Jenkins Is The Way T-shirt

Be an inspiration to the Jenkins community by sharing your Jenkins story. Just go to this link and fill out the form. We’ll ask you about your project’s goals, the technical challenges you overcame with Jenkins, and the solutions you created. It should take no more than 20-30 minutes to complete.

We’ll clean it up for clarity and publish it on .

Once it’s part of our archive, we’ll send you our new 2020 Jenkins Is the Way t-shirt.

And since the more, the merrier, please share this blog post with peers and colleagues. We want to hear everyone’s stories about the clever ways Jenkins is used to automate all that we need to do.

Thanks and Acknowledgement

Special thanks to abConsulting for creating and managing the JenkinsIsTheWay site and for reviewing, editing, and publishing the submitted stories.

Thanks to the Jenkins Advocacy and Outreach SIG for their reviews and feedback.

Thanks also to CloudBees for sponsoring the "Jenkins is the Way" program.


About the authors

Alyssa Tong

Alyssa Tong

Member of the Jenkins Advocacy and Outreach SIG. Alyssa drives and manages Jenkins participation in community events and conferences like FOSDEM, SCaLE, cdCON, and KubeCon. She is also responsible for Marketing & Community Programs at CloudBees, Inc.

Mark Waite

Mark Waite

Mark is the Jenkins Documentation Officer, a long-time Jenkins user and contributor, and maintains the git plugin and the git client plugin. He is active in Jenkins special interest groups including the Docs SIG, Platform SIG, and Advocacy SIG.